
4周年記念「壺ガシャーン」イベント実施のお知らせ│アラド戦記 RMT

4周年記念「壺ガシャーン」イベント実施のお知らせ│アラド戦記 rmt『アラド戦記 rmt』の最新ニュースをお届けします。毎日『アラド戦記 rmt rmt』の最新ニュースをチェックしてください。4周年記念「壺ガシャーン」イベント実施のお知らせ日付:2010/09/17照会:22,763日頃は『アラド戦記 rmt』をご愛顧頂き、誠にありがとうございます。アラド戦記 rmt4周年を記念し、9月17日13:00より、「壺ガシャーン」の確率変更と割引販売を実施いたします。[イベント期間]  9月17日(金) ~ 9月27日(月)12:00[イベント概要]1.「壺ガシャーン」から獲得できるアイテムの確率を大幅変更。 ?消賛系アイテム、マジック装備の確率をダウン。 ?レア、ユニーク装備、エンブレムアイテムの確率をアップ。 2.通常100pの「壺ガシャーン」を期間中90pで販売。今後とも『アラド戦記 rmt』をよろしくお願い申し上げます。



clar;i;ty pronunciation: function: noun etymology: middle english clarite, from latin claritat-, claritas, from clarusdate: 1616 : the quality or state of being clear : lucidity


Skin moisture, it's easy!

at least 60 percent of the components of the human body of water, water is the source of life, it was true. however, few people know that age, moisture content of greater or less - as in this view, the source of water is beautiful. wed nennen how do i become a beautiful water? potala palace, please experience it first hand. :), high school, and submitted to the university, from the university, every person i see at first glance, to participate in the work of the semi, show off my skin. is actually less than it is worth the quality really proud of my skin. but i is not the beauty of capacity, this benefit is the beauty of the column under pressure, the skin is good or bad is actually found that affect the appearance of the people. of course, i was a beauty salon that you rarely see here please, is not going to learn the beauty of the beautiful definitely, we are still talking about the beauty, indeed to speak, the